Avaniko Asokkumar

I am a junior at the University of Pennsylvania studying Mechanical Engineering and Robotics with minors in Computer Science and Mathematics. I lead UAV path planning and controls in Penn Aerial Robotics. I am involved in research focused on swarm robotics and motion planning. You can check out some of my past work on my Projects Page.

Current Projects

Tilt-Rotor VTOL Planning and Controls | Penn Aerial Robotics
Programming planning and control modules for Vertical Take-Off/Landing UAV

Prioritized Multi-Agent Motion Planning | Kumar Lab
Optimizing a Multi-Agent Motion Planning algorithm using learning w/ PhD Katie Mao.

Sparse Graph Generation for MAPF | MARMoT Lab (NUS)
Developing a homotopy class-based graph generation algorithm to model congestion as an RL feature in the context of Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF).